With skin playing such an important role in your health, you want to keep it in good condition. One tool you can use at home is skin brushing. Employed throughout history, skin brushing offers several benefits:
• Assists exfoliation—
Inactive, aging skin does not shed dead cells as readily as does youthful skin
• Stimulates physiological functions– Aids lymphatic drainage of the skin (lymph helps to cleanse the body) and increases blood flow. Also brings about a relaxing effect and decreases muscular tension
• Benefits mature skin—Sweat gland and oil gland function tend to decrease with aging. Skin brushing stimulates these glands and helps to restore moist, supple skin
• Promotes skin beauty—By exciting the underlying skin regions that provide nutrients and moisture to all layers of the skin, regular skin brushing helps to regenerate the fibers that keep the skin healthy. It can help to alleviate cellulite as well.
Of course, your regular massages can help keep your skin healthy—and what a great way to make sure all those sensory receptors are doing their job!